The Forgotten Barbecue

It has come upon me
once more, this month of
inquisitions, the rat race
to the roads I never thought
I’d take.

Behind me and beyond
the misty miles, lie the
much-dreamt meadows
that will never be my home now.

They beckon me yet again
like the foliage of a mirage
waiving at a lost traveller;
like a ghost castle calling
to the fold the return of the
ghost feet.

Bereft of longing
I am rising in the air.
The flame that once was
is now the shade of mildew,
burnt, charred, overdone
like a forgotten barbecue.


  1. Visiting your page after very very long
    Loved the piece which is as mesmerising as always
    The last stanza a very vivid description of underlying sadness

  2. I have been remiss. How often have you commented on my ideas and points of view? In return I have welcomed your comments on mine and seldom returned the favour. Can I now make amends by saying, sincerely, that your poem has now received my ultimate comment – “I wish I has written that.”

    1. Dear friend, my pursuit of blogs is independent of visitations on mine! I am quite like the bear who asked for a ‘venture’! As for that ultimate comment, I can see the poem has touched you, and that means so much more to me.

  3. This is a marvelous poem. I hadn’t realized you have been posting – it seems that for ages the email notification has failed. Sorry about that. I shall be going back and reading.

  4. Hello, old friend. I also have some ‘much-dreamt meadows’. This helped me weep out some tears that were stuck inside. I have not been able to find new words for a year. Perhaps it is time to get them written.
    Thank you.

  5. I am glad I found my way back today after thinking about it so many times. Bit of a surprising ending with the barbecue, after the poking and prodding of the earlier para. Nice.

  6. Very deep and thought provoking. It is soo good to be back reading you. Your mastery of words is a true constant. 🙂

  7. I haven’t been in WordPress a while, my friend. This poem of yours is perfect and beautiful – even your sadness is beautiful, the bleeding wounds of your heart inspiring. What a powerful gift you have got!
    How is your health? I do pray there are no complications. Take a good care. Everything will work out in the end, you know. Sending prayers of peace.

    1. Thank you ever for those kind words, my friend. I have been out of my elements of late. I keep telling myself it is temporary, like everything. I keep believing it will pass. It will.

Won't you say something, old friend?